Compliment and Correct to Powerfully Encourage Children

Sanctuary | Breakout 1 | 1:00 pm 

Audience: Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Coaches/Directors, Children/Youth Pastors

The ways we compliment and correct children contribute to either a culture of effort and joy or apathy and fear. Our words either build up and encourage children or tear them down and discourage them. Our words can increase behavior, unity, and so much goodness! Therefore, how to compliment and correct well, and not criticize, will be explained and modeled. Examples will make the ideas come alive.

Dr. Kathy Koch, Founder
Celebrate Kids

Dr. Kathy Koch (“cook”) is the Founder of Celebrate Kids. She has spoken to thousands of parents, teachers, and children in over 25 countries. Kirk Cameron chose her as an expert in two recent documentaries and she is also a popular guest on Focus on the Family radio and other radio talk shows and podcasts. She podcasts at Dr. Kathy Says and Facing the Dark and she is the author of seven books published by Moody. Dr. Kathy earned a PhD in reading and educational psychology from Purdue University. She is a former education professor, teacher, coach, and school board member. She has loved Jesus for years and her faith and desire to serve and glorify God is the foundation of her ministry.