Building Relationships with your Students

Building Relationships with your Students

Building Relationships with your Students Room 242 | Breakout 1 & 2 | 1:00 pm & 2:00 pm  Audience: Teachers, Coaches/Directors, Counselors, Children/Youth Pastors This session will have discussions about building relationships with students, stories of...
Classroom Organization made Easy* 

Classroom Organization made Easy* 

Classroom Organization made Easy Room 206 | Breakouts 1 & 2 | 1:00 & 2:00 pm  Audience: Teachers As a professional organizer and teacher, I will be sharing tried and true ways that can help you keep your classroom functional and organized all year long. Plus...
Compassionate Leadership: A Strategic Imperative*

Compassionate Leadership: A Strategic Imperative*

Compassionate Leadership: A Strategic Imperative Room 238 | Breakout 1 | 1:00 pm  Audience: Administrators, Business Office, HR/Operations Rooted in scripture and backed by research, discover how compassion can:   Enhance employee well-being: reduce burnout, increase...
Compliment and Correct to Powerfully Encourage Children*

Compliment and Correct to Powerfully Encourage Children*

Compliment and Correct to Powerfully Encourage Children Sanctuary | Breakout 1 | 1:00 pm  Audience: Administrators, Teachers, Counselors, Coaches/Directors, Children/Youth Pastors The ways we compliment and correct children contribute to either a culture of effort and...